Group activities can be a powerful way to remember your loved one. They can inspire laughter or tears and help everyone connect to each other.
Whether you serve hors d’oeuvres or host a meal at the event, food is an important aspect of a celebration of life. Many families choose to offer their loved one’s favorite foods or even ask guests to bring food in a potluck style.
Decide how many people you want to invite and create a guest list. This will help you decide where, when and how to hold the service. It will also help you determine how much to spend on decorations, food and other costs. You may want to consider offering a small memorial gift to each person attending the celebration of life.
The music played at a celebration of life can help set the tone for the event. It’s a good idea to choose songs that the honoree loved, or songs that reflect his or her personality.
Once the venue and date have been established, it’s time to create a guest list. This will allow you to take into account any scheduling or travel-related issues for those that will be attending.
It’s also a good idea to include any family members or friends who wish to share a short speech during the ceremony. These presentations can be heartwarming and comforting to everyone in attendance.
Many families choose to hold a celebration of life in place of a funeral service. They can be held in a restaurant, hotel, park or another unique location that was meaningful to their loved one.
Depending on the theme you select, decorations can be as simple or elaborate as you wish. It is a good idea to display a variety of photos from different aspects of their life.
You may also choose to include seed packets, like wildflower seeds or plantable paper, so that guests can take them home and remember your loved one. Adding these details creates an atmosphere of respect and honor for your loved one.
A funeral can be a somber event focused on mourning the loss of a loved one. A celebration of life is a more cheerful event that can take place anywhere from a home to a park or restaurant.
A common theme for a celebration of life is to memorialize the deceased’s interests and personality traits. One way to do this is by asking attendees to dress according to the person’s preferences.
For example, if the deceased was a frequent traveler, you can ask guests to wear their favorite shirts or add pops of color to their attire. You can also serve foods that the person enjoyed.
A celebration of life can be as informal or formal as you wish. It may be led by family members or a celebrant, and include a mix of speeches, poetry and music.
It is also common for people to share stories during a celebration of life. These memories can help everyone who is attending find comfort and connection with one another.
A visual slideshow or video montage is also popular for a celebration of life. It is a great way to share your loved ones’ favorite photos with guests.
A celebration of life is a chance for friends and family members to speak about their loved one. Personal stories – from adventurous outings to the ways their friend made them laugh – can paint a vivid picture of the person being remembered.
While a funeral typically takes place soon after the death of your loved one, celebrations of life can occur weeks or even a year later, which gives attendees more time to make travel arrangements. You may choose to have a local religious leader lead the service, or some families will hire a non-denominational celebrant to oversee the event.
During the celebration of life, it’s important to make space for friends and family members to share stories. Whether they are funny anecdotes or touching memories, these moments of connection can help everyone find healing.
You can also have people write their memories down on a memory board or wall. Provide note cards and pens for them to use. This is an easy way to create a personalized event.
If the deceased was religious, you can ask their local religious leader to lead the service. Alternatively, you can hire a non-denominational celebrant to oversee the event.