Real Parenting From A Tempe Childcare Center

There is no roller coaster in this world that has as many ups and downs, thrills and chills, or that is as exciting and horrifying as being a parent. There are so many feelings that get mixed up through this part of your life, and learning a few good pieces of advice about parenting can help smooth the ride.

When you’re out an about, make sure you introduce your child to anyone you meet. This helps their self-esteem and gets them used to meeting new people. If you don’t introduce your child, you make them feel invisible and ignored. It’s important that your child feel loved and like they’re part of the family.

Childproofing your home is more important than you may think. The number one cause in death of children is accidents, many of which could have been prevented if the parent had childproofed their home. Even if you think your child is old enough to know better, keep these safety measures in your home.

Infants and toddlers do not need to drink any kind of soda. Concentrate on offering your child beverages that include vitamins and other nutrients, such as water, sugar-free juices and milk.

Sometimes, unpleasant disciplinary actions must be handed down. “First, feelings; then discipline,” is a highly effective approach that begins with a positive statement that acknowledges the child’s feelings (right or wrong) and then explains your reason for setting the disciplinary consequences. This can help reduce the levels of resentment following the action.

Never administer medication to your child for any “off-label” conditions unless the child’s doctor has given you specific written instructions to do so. Children do not always react to medication in the same way adults do. For instance, giving a child Benadryl to help induce sleep might actually have the opposite effect of hyperactivity.

Avoid arguing with your spouse in front of your children or their friends. It is important that the two of you show a united front, even if everything is not pure bliss on the marriage front. This does not mean you must act like the perfect couple, just that you are united in cases regarding children.

It is important for a child to know exactly what is expected of them each and every day. A child should not have to wonder or guess what their parents want them to do. They should know exactly what they are supposed to do and what the consequences will be if they do not do what is expected.

Building your child’s self-esteem will create a foundation they will blossom from. You have to accept their shortcomings and help them grow past them. You also need to remind them that humans aren’t perfect, and neither are they, but that’s just fine! Everyone makes mistakes, but those who learn from them will go further in life.

Taking the time to read to your child is old-fashioned, but its benefits are proven. Besides providing some of the one-on-one time that can be so rare for the modern parent, reading aloud encourages an appreciation for storytelling and language. This translates into real benefits in school, as your child has a step up on learning reading and writing skills.

Try making a special reading area for your children. Put some appealingly arranged shelves full of books appropriate to their age group and a comfortable place to sit and read. Encourage them to use the space by making a reading corner time each day, and if possible, let them see you reading during this time as well.

A fun parenting tip for you is learning how to cut your child’s bangs properly. It is so easy to spot a poorly done home haircut by the awful looking bangs. The common mistake is to cut them from ear to ear. You will get a much better result by cutting your child’s bangs from eyebrow to eyebrow, going to and from the outside edges.

Be consistent in your parenting. When you constantly repeat yourself and you are always making threats without following through, your children will begin to ignore you and lose respect for you. This is actually teaching them not to listen because they will learn that you do not mean what you say. Being consistent will lead to happy children who trust you and know what to expect from you.

In order to have a proper developing toddler, it is important that they get many hours of social interaction. A great idea to get this done is for them to enter a preschool. This way, they can meet other children their age and build their knowledge basis at the same time.

Preschools help children to be kept in a consistent routine. When parents do not stick to a routine, children at this age will get confused, which in turn, causes them to act out. It is important that children go to sleep, eat and bathe, at around the same time each day.